Just a quick update!
In two and a half weeks Patty and I will be making our way back to the East Coast. It also so happens that the departure date is one that we both hold dear and have spent together for the last three years... the 4th of July! However, this year instead of an all day bbq at either the Duffey or the Meyers residences, we'll be airborn flying all the way to the tippy top of Australia's East Coast. But don't worry, we'll be strutting our American pride with a couple of very snazzy American flag shorts that were used as this year's Halloween costumes. So what's our destination city? Cairns. More specifically... Port Douglas! Chasing the sun, looking for new beginnings, and starting the final chapter of this year-long crazy ride.
So once again, we'll break out our black stretchy pants, book hostels, and have to get used to yet another city's transportation system. Josh will be jet setting back to Canada a few days before we leave, and Isabelle and Roy will be hitting the road again around the same time. But on a brighter note, as we say even more goodbyes... we'll be looking forward to a very exciting "hello" as we start counting down the days until one of our best friends, Christa Rossell, will join us! Hallelujah! A Canadian/Melbourne friend will also be gracing us with her presence as Miss KJ joins us to celebrate her birthday! Wow, we have so much to look forward to!
So if you're interested, open up another tab and google image Cairns and Port Douglas. Not too shabby!
Bring it on Australia! We've got two and a half more months together, let's get to know each other just a bit more.... :)
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